Accredited by Northern Academy.
- 5 Star Rating
- 7+ Avg Band Score
We have helped students from all around the world pass the IELTS and achieve their goals by enrolling in the world’s top Universities, fast-tracking their immigration, and starting new careers abroad.

We’ve helped students from all over the world reach their full potential. We can help you too.
- 5 Star Rating
- 7+ Avg Band Score
- Top University Enrollment

India Read More
I would like to thank my teacher, Kyle. Because of him, I was able to get a 7.5 band score. I really enjoyed all of the lessons and thanks to him, my English improved significantly and I was able to get my Canadian permanent residence.

Syria Read More
When I first met my teacher, I was struggling with my IELTS process, but in a short period of time, they were able to help me reach Band 7.0. I am so glad I found IELTS Fluency and definitely recommend it to all IELTS candidates.

India Read More
I needed to take IELTS for Canadian immigration purposes, and IELTS Fluency helped me a lot. In those few weeks of coaching I learned a lot of things from them. I was only able to achieve my target band score because of IELTS Fluency. Thank you very much!
Simon Hong
Hong Kong Read More
I signed up for help with the IELTS test, but I also feel like I received expert English lessons along the way for free. Thank you IELTS Fluency!

The expert materials you need to succeed.
Speak with an IELTS Teacher
Our courses provide personalized feedback from expert IELTS teachers, who will grade your speaking and writing and provide you with personalized feedback and corrections.
Practice with Full Mock Tests
Gain instant access to 100+ practice questions and full mock tests designed to prepare you for test day. Keep track of your progress and have your tests taken up by our expert teachers.
IELTS-Passing Courses
All prices are listed in Canadian Dollars ($CAD).

IELTS Course
SALE - $100 OFF and 1 Free Feedback Service
120+ hour IELTS course
Teacher Walkthrough Lessons
Full Mock Tests
Strategy Handouts
Signed Certificate after Completion
24/7 Teacher Support
Lifetime Access
120+ hour IELTS course
Feedback Service (x5)
Personalized Writing Feedback and 1-on-1 support
Personalized Speaking Feedback and 1-on-1 support
Teacher Walkthrough Lessons
Full Mock Tests
Strategy Handouts
Signed Certificate after Completion
24/7 Teacher Support
Lifetime Access